SCOTUS helps to clarify the FAA
Ohio ADR — An alternative dispute resolution service provider focused on business, employment & tort matters.
Ohio ADR — An alternative dispute resolution service provider focused on business, employment & tort matters.
All in Arbitration
FINRA remains committed to continually improving the arbitration system to serve all parties who use FINRA’s dispute resolution forum,
A court may not make up a new procedural rule based on the FAA’s “policy favoring arbitration”>
Resolving your client’s case by Baseball Arbitration might just be what your client needs.
Courts are still jammed up. Want to get resolution without waiting a couple years (or more)? Try pre-litigation ADR.
Survivors of sexual harassment and assault testified on the negatives of forced arbitration before the House Judiciary Committee. Legal scholars also testified on issues with non-disclosure agreements.
Another company decides to do away with its mandatory arbitration requirements.
Courts are beginning to back laws that prohibit employee/employer arbitration clauses.
Arbitrations result in awards. To reduce the awards to judgment, they have to be confirmed by a court. The Ohio Supreme Court just made a major ruling on that process.