Empathy Can Be a Big Driver in Mediation

Empathy Can Be a Big Driver in Mediation

Empathy is the ability to understand and share the feelings of another person.  Being empathetic in a mediation can often be the biggest key to success.  Not to be confused with sympathy – feeling sorry for someone’s situation -- empathy is akin to putting yourself in the other person’s shoes.  Doing so can help resolve a case.

Even in a “dull and boring” case that’s “nothing but numbers”, empathy still plays a significant role.  A mediator who actively listens with compassion can understand all the parties’ positions and help to work around the mental and emotional roadblocks.  By the same token, when parties understand they are being listened to, and heard, they are more likely to listen to the mediator and more likely to settle the dispute.

When a mediator is empathetic and the parties’ counsel are earnest about working towards a middle ground, resolution is usually easily obtained.

To read more about the role of empathy in mediation, click here.

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